Oiled Wooden Floors

Oiled wood flooring - Natural oil brings out the wood's natural finish, whilst at the same time forming a fine protective film. As a thin fluid, it naturally penetrates deep into the wood's fibers and allows the wood to breathe. Like a moisturizing cream on human skin, it becomes one with the wood. An oil-treated wooden floor offers numerous advantages. In particular, it is more resistant to wear and tear. Scratches can easily be removed using...lire plus

69 results


stock of

Pur Noir PA81

Destockage Parquet Massif - Oak - Les Planchers d'autrefois - Chene de l'Est - chene de l'est - Width 17 cm

24,00 TTC /m² 20,00 HT / m²
141.83 €


stock of

VIEUX de france GRIS - PA43

Destockage Parquet contrecollé - flottant - Oak - Les Planchers d'autrefois - Chene de l'Est

24,00 TTC /m² 20,00 HT / m²
134.90 €

Bamboo Vertical Cafe

Hardwood flooring - Bamboo - Bamboo - Width 15 cm

46,80 TTC /m² 39,00 HT / m²

Bamboo Horizontal Cafe

Hardwood flooring - Bamboo - Bamboo - Width 15 cm

46,80 TTC /m² 39,00 HT / m²

Rustika Fumé Huilé 10 mm

Engineered Wood Flooring - Oak - Multiply - Width 15 cm

54,00 TTC /m² 45,00 HT / m²

125 country oiled oak

Hardwood flooring - Oak - Classics - Width 12.5 cm

58,80 TTC /m² 49,00 HT / m²

Rustic oiled Herrigbone

Engineered Wood Flooring - Oak - Les Motifs - Width 12 cm

58,80 TTC /m² 49,00 HT / m²
69.00 €

Bambou Compressé Café

Hardwood flooring - Bamboo - Bamboo - Width 14 cm

58,80 TTC /m² 49,00 HT / m²

NATUR rustic Oak

Hardwood flooring - Oak - Classics - Width 13 cm

68,80 TTC /m² 57,33 HT / m²

Fishbone Oak COGNAC

Engineered Wood Flooring - Oak - Les Motifs - Width 12.5 cm

70,80 TTC /m² 59,00 HT / m²


Engineered Wood Flooring - Oak - Multiply - Width 15 cm

82,80 TTC /m² 69,00 HT / m²


Engineered Wood Flooring - Oak - Old Story - Width 19 cm

94,80 TTC /m² 79,00 HT / m²


Engineered Wood Flooring - Oak - Old Story - Width 19 cm

94,80 TTC /m² 79,00 HT / m²


Engineered Wood Flooring - Oak - Old Story - Width 19 cm

94,80 TTC /m² 79,00 HT / m²