DECOPLUS Parquets: Responsible Approaches and Choices

Ever keen to endorse a civically responsible approach that respects the environment and quality of life, Decoplus Parquets has integrated rules of conduct into its methods by opting for:

Responsible forest management,

Optimization of the use of natural resources,

Control of carbon emissions at the lowest level

Good working conditions for its suppliers, both in terms of the environment and health and safety.

Decoplus Parquets pays attention to the choice of its floors when selecting its products, favoring providers who obtain their raw materials from well-managed forests. This choice, as well as the optimization of industrial processes, allows our suppliers to achieve excellent results, regarding emissions, which are lowered to near-natural levels.

The Sustainable Forest Management Certification criteria impose traceability and rigorously controlled monitoring of supplies, at all stages of processing and marketing. Our commitment to the environment and health and safety also guide our choices of varnish, adhesives and care products.

We pay particular attention to our products are free from volatile solvents and have lower dust emissions. We check and control the emission of formaldehydes, VOCs and other harmful substances.


Decoplus Parquets, PEFC Partner 

Decoplus Parquets partners with PEFC France, to encourage the forest sustainability.

By choosing a PEFC product, you choose to respect the forest. This label brings to your consumers the guarantee that the product that is made with wood is coming from responsible sources and that all our purchasing process respect the forest sustainability.

PEFC (The Program for the Endorsement of Forest Certification) is the world's leading forest certification organization with more than 260 million hectares of certified forests.

Decoplus favors A+ rated products

Since 1 January 2012 and applying the provisions of the new French Grenelle I and II laws, all wall or floor construction or surfacing products, as well as paint and varnishes, must carry an obligatory label that indicates the level of volatile organic compounds that are emitted.

The aim of this measure is to inform and warn the consumer about the risks of toxicity from inhalation that are linked to volatile pollutants like formaldehyde, toluene or styrene, which can cause conditions like asthma, allergies and conjunctivitis.

Decoplus Parquets guarantees that its products receive an A+ rating.

For Decoplus Parquets, protecting the environment is much more than a priority. It is about protecting our planet, and so guaranteeing a better future for later generations.

Do you have a new project ?

Decoplus Parquet experts are dedicated to guide you step by step in your choice and installation of your parquet