Classic Oak Chevron
Destockage Parquet contrecollé - flottant - PATTERNS
in stock
Elegant and historical pattern motifs highlight the traditional spirit of the old parquet.
- Smoked finish then white UV oiled - Ready to install
- Original 60 ° angles
- Floating or glued to a support
- Smoked finish then aged
Data sheet
- Packaging71.06
- Item unitm²
- Type of parquet wood floorENGINEERED PARQUET
- specieOak
- CollectionsPATTERNS
- Blade width / PatternsFishbone
- Installation methodFloating Glued-down laying, tongue and groove joints
- Bevelled on the edgesBevelled on 4 sides
- Wood appearance / GradeBCDE grade: open and filled knots, cracks, sapwoods
- Wear layer thickness3 mm
- Compatible with underfloor heatingYes
- Compatible chauffage au sol électrique - PREYes
- Compatible chauffage au sol réversibleYes
- Suitable for humid roomsNo
- Surface finishOiled
- CoatingOiled
- Fire ResistanceDfl-S1
- Indoor air quality - VOC (EN 717-1)A+
- Total widthWidth 10 cm
- Total thickness14 mm
- Total lengthlong 52 cm
- Guarantee30 years
- Lots meterLot greater than 50 m²
- Lot price rangeup to 70 € ht/m²
- Listedcolis