Destockage Parquet contrecollé - flottant - OLD STORY
1er arrivé ! - 1er servi !
Lot indivisible / Disponible de suite.
Stylish finishes to rediscover the trendy spirit of old parquet floors. All the advantages of wood with easy installation.
- XXL wide planks - Smoked, smoothly brushed, hand distressed on bevels
- European Oak - 4 mm hardwood (top layer)
- Compatible with underfloor heating onto an insulating underlay (full glue-down)
- Floating installation on an insulating underlay
Exclusive Collection by Decoplus Parquet.
Vintage spirit and sophisticated finishes of parquet floors in the old style. A whole story under your feet ... at an affordable price!
Shaped and aged by hand, the parquet planks undergo many treatments: smoked, unstructured edges, planes, traces of wear, white lead, wax ... a whole combination of finishes offering a wide choice of shades and textures.
These engineered parquets, made of natural wood, offer all the advantages of a hardwood parquet with an easy installation. They fit with different styles of design and reflect today's trend.
Engineered European oak floors from eco-managed forests.
Data sheet
- Packaging20.21
- Item unitm²
- Type of parquet wood floorENGINEERED PARQUET
- specieOak
- Dimensions and sectionsOLD STORY 15/4 - 190. Contrecollé sur support latté 3 plis. Largeur. 19 cm - Longueurs. 1900 mm et 1 lame en Longueurs variables - Epaisseur. 15 mm dont 4 mm de bois noble (couche d'usure).
- CollectionsOLD STORY
- Blade width / Patterns16 - 20cm
- Installation methodFloating Glued-down laying, tongue and groove joints
- Bevelled on the edgesBevelled on 4 sides
- Wood appearance / GradeCD grade: Sapwood + Knots
- Wear layer thickness4 mm
- Compatible with underfloor heatingYes
- Compatible chauffage au sol électrique - PREYes
- Compatible chauffage au sol réversibleno
- Suitable for humid roomsNo
- Surface finishOiled
- CoatingOiled
- ShapingSmoked
- Shapingaged
- ShapingBrossé
- Shapingmartelé
- Fire ResistanceDfl-S1
- Indoor air quality - VOC (EN 717-1)A+
- Total widthWidth 19 cm
- Total thickness15 mm
- Total length1.90 m
- Guarantee30 years
- Lots meterLot of 10 to 30 m²
- Lot price rangeDe 50 à 70 € ht/m²
- ORIGINEuropean Wood
- ListedColis
published the 13/02/2024
Beau produit.
Patrick G.
published the 14/12/2023
quelques lattes endommagées à l'ouverture
Anonymous A.
published the 27/06/2023
Très très bon produit et je suis très contant du résultat Merci beaucoup
published the 03/06/2021
Anonymous A.
published the 21/10/2020
tres bien
Anonymous A.
published the 16/09/2020
Top top top Facile à travailler D’emboîtements a la perfection (a la main) Super rendu
Sous couche Liège CR-110 - 3 mm
Underlay - Made of cork - colis de 10 m²
published the 13/02/2024
Beau produit.
Patrick G.
published the 14/12/2023
quelques lattes endommagées à l'ouverture
Anonymous A.
published the 27/06/2023
Très très bon produit et je suis très contant du résultat Merci beaucoup
published the 03/06/2021
Anonymous A.
published the 21/10/2020
tres bien
Anonymous A.
published the 16/09/2020
Top top top Facile à travailler D’emboîtements a la perfection (a la main) Super rendu